The youngest dancers at the Rojahn Academy of Irish Dance are four years old; the eldest are in their fifties. Although some dancers started their Irish dancing career at other schools, many of them have danced with the Rojahn Academy since its foundation.
All dancers regardless of age have the possibility to participate in shows. The only requirements are mastering a certain number of dances as well as show enthusiasm and enjoy performing in front of an audience!
Most dancers regularly participate in competitions (Feiseanna), a great opportunity to put one’s ability to test and meet dancers from other countries and backgrounds, enjoy and share the love for Irish dance and music.
Our Academy has produced the first Swiss World Championship Qualifiers in Solo- and Ceili dancing, the first Swiss European Champion as well as numerous Open- and Adult Champions. For many years we have had and have dancers who qualify for and compete at the annual World Irish Dancing Championships, All Irelands and All Scotlands.